Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Walkers on the way.

I just thought I'd share some news from Hasslefree Miniatures' Facebook page and that news is...

...The Grymn Walker is now getting production casts made and there will be stock for Salute. That is excellent news and I am looking forward to getting a few more to add to the platoon.

Speaking of walkers... I dug my old Macross Regult Pods out of the loft the other day and have converted them to go with a small group of troops. The troops were converted an age ago and they were destined for a mercenary desert force but things stalled and now, I've found an alternative role for them as part of a little jungle patrol. Here are a range of pix:

The beginning...

Converting in progress...

All converted and troops selected...

A close up of the WIP troops...

So there will be eight walkers and eight troops. The walkers will be green and will match the troops. It really makes a change to paint something that isn't grey!

Sunday, 1 April 2012


One of the major problems I always have is that I paint too many troops before I varnish them. That means that before I know it, I have a cupboard full of troops to varnish and no enthusiasm to do it. One of the important goals I set for this Urban Army project was to finish each platoon before I moved on to the next one and that meant, all of the decals, insignia and varnishing. Well, the sixth platoon has been completed and if you follow this LINK you will see all of them in their matt varnished glory. The post also shows a few other things but the main point of posting it was to highlight the fact that a certain amount of consolidation is always required to keep a large project on track.

Consolidation allows you to take a step back and see where you are. It allows you to take stock and then plan your next move. It enables you to catch up on all those little jobs that have been neglected and it also gives you the incentive to move things along by completing things and providing a finished item to get enthusiastic about.

The week before last, I had a week at home and managed to complete the 6th platoon (including transport), re-base and re-mark the airborne platoon troops and finish up the conversion work on their drop-ships. I also began looking into the storage side of things and have worked out what cases I will have to buy in order to store each of the platoons.

Storage has become a major problem at the moment and I am really going to have to sort out a few cases soon otherwise I won't have anywhere to put things when they are finished.

The project continues...